I’m feeling a little guilty about not having written anything for months, so I’m assuaging that guilt by writing a meaningless update.
Earlier this month I moved into my new home! That’s right, I decided to stop renting and bought a nice little two-bedroom condominium just two miles from my former apartment. It increases my drive to work by 1.1 miles; oh, the horror! 🙂 But as rents were increasing, I found my first mortgage payment and condominium fee combined were less than the rent I was about to pay. Nice timing, if I say so myself!
My photography hobby has been up and down. Mostly up, although I admit I haven’t been out shooting every day like I thought I might. On the other hand, I took a trip out west to Yellowstone and the Tetons (which is the original reason I bought the camera) and had an absolutely fabulous time. Note to self: Post some photos…

Grand Teton Reflected
So, let’s see. Probably the best shot I took from nearly 1,000 I took, was the “postcard” of Grand Teton.
As my eye becomes more critical and discerning, I review my photos and find some that need “fixing” and others that turned out better than I had originally thought. I got a “thumbs up” from Frank Lee Ruggles on one of my Mount Rushmore photos, and that gave me a good feeling.
While this is a somewhat unusual perspective of a familiar sight, it’s not my favorite. No, that probably has to be the series I took using my 55-300mm zoom at its full focal length.
Now things have settled a bit. This weekend I will fly to St. Petersburg, Florida, where I am to be invested with the Order of Salvador, an honor bestowed upon me by the Salvador Dalí Museum for my dedication and interest in the artist and his work. I am humbled to be so considered.
Let me conclude this meandering missive by declaring my intent to post more often. I’ll also suggest to the one or two readers who might happen upon it that they check out the site where I’ve been posting more of my pictures, the oddly named Ugly Hedgehog.