After nearly four years of keeping this faq I'm admitting defeat. :-) I no longer have the time to keep anything like a regular check on everything so this will be the last major update for a long, long time.
From now on, rather than me just keeping an eye as to what's been posted in the newsgroup and adding them to the faq any new links will have to be personally requested. That way I will know if the postees(sp?) are regular readers of r.m.n. or are just posting will-nilly into various newsgroups. This may seem a little harsh but that's my decision.
As for what's new? Well I've included a whole host of new links and checked all the old ones. Where I've been able, I've fixed all the broken links. Where there has been no pointer to a new address or a search has not revealed a link, then that entry has been pulled.
One slight problem has been the loss of my list of new and updated entries, so I can't list them individually I'm afraid.
The other major change has been Fred Puhan's kind offer to hold a mirror copy of the faq at his web site. Thankyou Fred, it's much appreciated!
I hope you find this faq helpful. It would be nice if you mentioned it when writing to any of the artists/labels/resources you have found through these pages. It would also be nice if you let me know what you think of them. Either way I hope you find some of the music here as satisfying (spiritually and mentally) as I do.
Regards, Neil